In cases of disputed wills, it is often a struggle to obtain exemplars of the signatures or handwriting of a deceased person. In addition to the family’s own collection of records, here are some ideas of how and where to obtain specimen signatures:
Access records to housing complex
Accident reports
Account books
Addresses on envelopes
Attendance records
Authorisation letters
Autograph books
Bank deposit authorisations
Bank withdrawal slips
Bank records
Bank signature records
Bank safe deposit records
Bank deposit slips
Bar chits
Bible entries
Bills of lading
Birthday cards
Bond application forms and correspondence
Business license applications
Business agreements
Business / corporate paperwork
Business correspondence
Car rental contracts
Change-of-address forms
Charity correspondence
Cheque book stubs
Cheques: business & personal
Church records
Club records
Committee reports
Community service records
Competition entries
Convention or seminar records
Convention registrations
Corporate records
Corporation papers
Council forms: electricity, refuse removal
Council housing documents
Courier receipts
Court records
Credit applications
Credit card application forms
Credit cards
Credit card purchases & transaction records
Criminal records
Currency exchange records
Delivery receipts
Discharge papers
Divorce documents
Documents for trading in stocks and shares
Driver’s licenses and applications
Employment records
Employment application forms
Employment records
Endorsements on cheques
Equipment rental contracts
Estimates or business quotations
Examination papers
Financial agreements
Financial statements
Foreign currency drafts
Funeral attendance registers
Funeral policies
Funeral registers
Greeting cards: birthday, get well, Christmas
Grocery lists
Guardianship papers
Guest registers
Health cards
Holiday rentals
Home Affairs forms of all kinds
Hospital admission forms and records
Hotel and guest house registers
ID Card
ID Book
Inside covers of books
Insurance forms
Insurance claims
Insurance applications, various
Investment accounts
Landlord correspondence
Legal process paperwork
Library card applications
Library records
License applications
License renewal forms
Licenses for leisure activities, eg fishing, hiking trails, hunting